Friday, August 6, 2010

Moo Shoe Pork

I couldn't help my self but to share this with you!

"Moo Shoe Pork"

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Strange Things

Every time I watch Toy Story with my son, there is one song that always manages to get in my head.  Today, these same words remarkably describe where I am in life right now.  "Strange things are happening to me."

So much of my life right now is marked by change.  We've (my family and I) have been in transition.  In June, I started my first appointment in ministry as an Associate Pastor at a fantastic church.  As a result of that tremendous blessing, there are other changes that must take place.  My "job" is so unlike all the other jobs I've ever had.  I'm having to learn all new ways of doing things.  This is overwhelming but exciting at the same time.  It's no different than starting anything new, it just takes awhile to get used to it and to figure it out and who you are in that position.

The new church is located twenty miles from our current home.  We don't HAVE to move, but I'm personally convicted that to properly serve a community one must be IN the community.  Plus, its gets a little nutty when we as a family try to participate in different activities at the church and we are having to drive two separate cars.  So, we've decided to put our house on the market.  As you know, the market right now is not the greatest, but we thought we might as well start to try.  We haven't had not one single nibble.  *Insert deep breath here*.  It's just going to take time and we're giving it all up to God.  We know that God will send the right buyer when the time is right.  We just put total faith in God.

We are still trying for another baby.  The pain and the struggle never seems to go away, however, our perseverance and absolute dependence on God makes it easier to cope with.  We don't know what more to do, we really don't.  We just pray.  If we didn't know there is a hope, I don't think we'd keep putting ourselves through this.  I just look at my son and praise God for what we've already been given.  Then of course, I pray harder that God sends us another angel so that Ham can have a sibling.  He's such a loving child that its heart breaking he doesn't have a sibling.  God has a plan...I don't know what it is, but I hang on to the knowledge that God knows far better than me what I need.

Ham starts pre-K in a couple of weeks.  Talk about another big step in our journey.  He's thrilled to start school and I'm happy for him.  Just a little bittersweet. 

Everything else is treating us really well.  I just wanted to give an update as I've totally neglected my blog in the rush of life's changes.  Hope all is well with each of you.

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