In honor of the Internet Cafe Devotions Holiday Giveaway Expo, I'm giving away a stocking stuffer trio of popular products I've been selling from Avon. 1) Jeweled lip gloss key chain which comes with the lip gloss shown, 2) Select one lip gloss from the six shown to go with the key chain (this means you'll get 2 different colors), 3) Select one holiday lotion and, 4) Select one holiday chapstick. Also, as an added gift from me to you, you'll receive the decorative snowman soap dispenser.
A random drawing will be done on Friday, December 12th. To enter, post a comment and tell me what your favorite holiday memory is. If you win, I will contact you for your shipping address. There is no cost to you. You'll have from now through Saturday to win. Good luck!
Also, be sure to click HERE and enter numerous other holiday giveaways sponsored by Internet Cafe Devotions. You won't want to miss this!!!!
This is a great giveaway for my awesome male readers as well. There is no better way to get a brand new and totally fabulous gift for the classy beauty in your life and to get it for FREE. Hey...it's one less gift you have to hit the mall for!
My favorite Holiday memory is falling asleep with my grandma in her big sleigh-bed on Christmas Eve after all the presents had been opened and Moody Radio was the only sound in the house.
More recently: The anniversary of my first date with my husband falls on Dec. 23rd and we celebrate every year. I'm still in love!!!!!
P.S. I'm giving away Avon too!
I've never splurged on the MARK stuff for myself. Maybe I'm too old. It just seems so trendy!
Kindest Thoughts,
~esthermay @The Heart of a Pastor's Wife
My favorite holiday memory is of my daughter when was three years old. She received a plastic child's pair of scissors for Christmas and ran around saying, "what can I cut"?" It was so cute!
My favorite Christmas memory is staying awake for Midnight Mass. I used to love the lights, the choir, the incense, everyone all dressed up. It was just always so dreamy and magical. The last time I went to it though the priest passed around a baby doll pretending it was Jesus, and people were supposed to kiss the plastic foot. I haven't been to a mass since.
I love Avon! You make me ALMOST want to sell it again. Those kinds of things were always the most fun! Very sweet of you to give them as prizes.
What fun stuff!!
Favorite memory....when I was maybe 6 or so I kept telling my Mom that I needed to go to bed so Santa could come. But she was trying to keep me up...??? Well then a knock on the door and Santa himself was there and came in and gave me something!! The neighborhood had gone in together, and had one of the Dad's do it! What fun!
My favorite Holiday memory as a child was waking up, walking into the living room and seeing a beautiful blue ten speed parked next to the tree! :) My brother had stayed up most of the night putting it together for me. It was fabulous! As for more recently, I love every Christmas morning, waiting for the kids to wake up. I'm always SO excited!
Love the Avon gifts!!
My favorite holiday memories are opening gifts from my Granpa. He would save up his lunch money and buy something along his mail route. He hid them well and it was always an awesome surprise. I miss him so!
My favorite holiday memory is when my family and I were living in Fla and were lonely for home back in PA. A few days before Christmas, my husband got a surprise bonus check. I found us tickets and we showed up in the freezing night on my MIL's doorstep to surprise all of them! Without our luggage as the baggers went on strike! But it was the last time my husband, daughter and I spent Christmas back home before she married and moved to Seattle.
ohhhhhhh that is sooooo fun!! I LOVE those and know a few girls who would LOVE to see those in their stockings!!
Ok....my favorite holiday memory is a corny one..but EVERY year gram would give us one of those life saver books...EVERY year you could count on it...and gosh I loved that..all mine!:) I miss those boxes of life savers...what a great memory..:)
My favorite memory is my oldest daughter's second Christmas, it was the first one she understood how to unwrap gifts. She was just so excited and after unwrapping a few quickly grew bored of unwrapping and began playing hide and seek in all of the paper and boxes. myfrugallifestyle@gmail.com
wow please enter me in and well i found you just to day i add you to my feed
can i just repost my memory here? i just wrote about all my memories today on my blog!
my favorite new memory is decorating the tree with my daughter and then sitting around the tree with the family after we're done and sing silent night with only the tree lights on. my 5 year old is the one that came up with this! :-)
great goodies!
when i was little, i remember my dad reading the christmas story while my brother, sister and i acted it out, dressed as a shepherd, sheep, and angel, respectively. and i always love decorating the tree together:)
My favorite Holiday memory when I was 17 waking up at midnight seeing my dad stuffing a stuffed horse in my stocking. I had a wonderful dad who always babbied me
Has to be the last Christmas I believed, when Santa brought me the baby doll of my dreams. It's been nearly fifty years ago; that baby doll is, as I write this, in a little chair in the guest room!
My favorite holiday memory is spending Christmas with my dad when we lived in California. My half brother and half sister were there it, was so much fun!
christmas eve supper at grandma's!! that's my favorite too!
My favorite memory is the year my oldest sister(we're 24 years apart)brought a red and a green felt bag full of gifts for my little brother and I on December 1st. Each day we would choose one gift to unwrap. Christmas eve day was the last day, kind of a countdown to Christmas, so fun!
My favorite holiday memory was always going to Grandpa and Grandma's for Christmas day with the whole family. There were 14 kids in the family and all are married and all have several children...do the math! Yes a LARGE gathering at least 60-70 every year! It was always so fun. Now I live 2400 miles away and every Christmas for the last 14 I long for that special time at Grandpa's.
Cool idea!
I dont have just one favorite. But one of the best memories is a very silly one.
My younger brother (Mike) and I were coming down the stairs on Christmas morning. Mike (he was maybe 4 at the time) was just one step in front of me. He stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he saw the fisher price basketball net waiting for him. He was so excited! He shouted "COOL! I can take a ball and SHOOT IT IN!!!" All the while making the motion of shooting a hoop. Well when he did that he just happened to jump up and stick his fingers behind my glasses and they went flying across the room! We all died laughing. My dad caught it on video tape and we always laugh about it every Christmas.
my favorite holiday memory is when I was a child living in Norway. It always snowed at Christmas time there, and my parents made christmas morning so exciting!!
Please enter my name!!!
what a pretty blog!
My favorite Christmas memory was when I was about four or five. I received a punch of those hard cake paint pots. We went to my grandfather's house for the day and I played all day with mixing and creating new colors and painting.
I remember opening up a package on Christmas morning when I was about 4. It was a Baby Alive! You could feed her and change her diapers and everything! I carried her around for a very long time after that.
My favorite Christmas memory is when my Husband purposed to me. I had told him I wanted it to be when I least expected it...SO I didn't think he would do it on Christmas...Surprise!!!
My favorite holiday memory is when I was 8 and I had gotten a Barbie Town House for Christmas. I had wanted it so bad. I had tried so hard to be extra good so Santa would be happy with me and bring it to me. It is kind of a bittersweet memory in a way because 6 months later our home burned down and this favorite toy of mine went with it. I still remember that toy fondly to this day. Just goes to show you don't completely appreciate what you have sometimes what you have until you no longer have it. Thanks for the contest!
Enter me in your contest please... Thanks so much.
My favorite memories are the ones I am currently making with my boys...we are trying to focus more on Jesus every year.
My favorite holiday memeory is when my mom used to let us open two gifts on xmas eve - one was new jammies and the other was our choice. WE have continued this with our kids now!
Great giveaway! I have so many great memories just of sitting by the Christmas tree with my family, in the glow of the Christmas lights, just enjoying being together!
(I am currently living in Indonesia but am a US resident and have a US mailing address.)
Great giveaway! My favorite holiday memory is watching my one-month-old daughter (five years ago!) looking up at the beautiful colors of the Christmas tree. Now THAT'S wonder! :)
What a wonderful giveaway! I love Avon products! :)
I got a late start putting up my giveaway. Do come by! :)
My favorite holiday memory is opening Christmas stocking early on Christmas morning. I love stockings and all the little treasures inside. We then would go to church and open presents in the afternoon. Please enter my name in your giveaway.
My favorite holiday memory is seeing all the cousins draped around the living room as we just sat and talked. The big guys had little ones tucked in all around them--totally endearing...until they started wrestling. *eye roll*
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