It's a new year. Newness is around us and we can be refreshed by the idea of getting to do it all over again, but this time, maybe a little better. We can convict ourselves to live as we know we should. We can stand up against the competition in our lives that drives us farther from God and farther from ourselves.
You have to pretty much be on a different continent not to hear all the commercials or water cooler banter about new year's resolutions. I mean, they are every where. Not only do I not enjoy this time of year because its gloomy, cold and depressing when the tree goes down, but then you can't escape, no matter how hard you try, the weight loss ads. I loath weight loss ads. But more than that, I hate this idea that we have to change who we are to be happy. Though health and some change are always good things, when is enough, enough?
At what point do we stop trying to change ourselves to meet the world's standards and start improving that which really needs help...our relationship with God? If I had the money, I would love to follow every weight loss ad with an alternative ad. One that is spiritually based and encourages putting focus on improving our spiritual lives. Maybe a focus more on what comes out of our mouths rather than worrying so much about what goes in them.
I have long believed that it doesn't matter how beautiful you are on the outside, its really is what is on the inside that counts. Truly, your body ages no matter how many toxins you inject into it. But your heart, your soul, your spirit, it ages gracefully in a matter than only becomes more radiant with every passing day.
This got me thinking about what I wanted to do to strengthen my inner self this year in a Godly way. I think looking at the word resolution is important. Resolute. That's the part that stands out to me. I want to be, in myself, a resolution of being resolute. I want to be steadfast, determined, unwavering. I want to be, admirably purposeful in all that I do. I resolve to place myself on a course of action that will aim to honor God in all that I do and say...even if it is uncomfortable to others. I will be resolute in following the calling God has placed on my life and allow the Lord to shield me from the hateful dissuasion of others. I will stop myself before apologizing for being a determined woman of God. I will be proud of being admirably purposeful in the name of Christ...and unwavering in that humble pride.
I resolve not to make a covenant with the world where I serve its purposes, aims or ideology. Rather, I resolve to be at a level of self-awareness that is so in tune with God's will, that I am the woman God has created me to be. Not perfect. Not flawless. Not airbrushed. I resolve to be real, to be Christian, to be faithful, to be in a walk with God that others will see and long to have. And at the end of each day, I resolve to forgive myself as well as others and then in turn, love myself despite of others. I resolve to embrace the value and worth that God created me with and to realize the extent of the love which God has for me.
Have a resolution revolution. Break from the chains of bondage the world has you in. Be it finances, health, emotional grief...break free, be with God, grow and overcome in 2009. It's your year to do with what you please. Take the free will that God gave you and do something good with it. Give it back to God. Just like in photography, your relationship with God with make your resolution stronger and your life clearer.

Hi! I found your blog (via Robin Lee Hatcher's site, I think, it seems so long ago - the title grabbed me, and I've loved reading your posts. And the blog is gorgeous, btw.
Amen to the Resolution Revolution.
Amen!! I loved this post--you really encouraged me to dig deeper in what I need to do this year! Thank you!
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