First of all, Pat Robertson DOES NOT represent all people on the conservative 'right'. Robertson's claims about the Haitians making a deal with the devil and all other nonsense is outright ludicrous. In no way do I believe that the Haitians 'deserved' the horrors of this earthquake. Most well-balanced individuals will acknowledge that 99% of people with a soul (note: we ALL have souls) also do not believe this. I was upset, like others, with Robertson's comments, but I blew him off as having lost his ever loving mind and I went on to other things.
Then, Keith Olbermann, who has the journalistic ethics of a hound tick, came on with this statement.
SERIOUSLY!!!!! Olbermann - "empty souls". Really sir, would you like to play the part of the pot or the kettle?
I do not endorse the statements by Robertson or by Limbaugh (though I do think Obama should have come out sooner than he did on the terrorist attack - yet that has nothing to do with Haiti). I do NOT endorse the idea that people are soul-less, that they have no purpose. The Haitians are children of God and whether we like it or not, so are Robertson, Limbaugh and Olbermann. These men are all perpetuating a vicious cycle of hatred and hate mongering and I'm oppossed to all of it. It astonishes and deeply bothers me that I have seen more 'posts' on FB and Twitter over the last 24 hours regarding Robertson and Limbaugh than I have about the peril of the Haitians since the earthquake. It's as if this country is addicted to "the fight". Where has the insatiable desire for domination of the "other" come from? Patriarchy, imperialism, socialism, communism, captialism...original sin?
My heart has been hurting deeply the last several days for the people of Haiti and if I had the resources, I would be there yesterday doing what I could. Why can't our media hop in line with the real issues, and for those outlets that are, stay there, rather than focusing airtime on this other JUNK?
I love this country. I love the men and women who serve it and fight to protect it. I'm embarassed by those who deem it necessary to tear it apart, to divide it with partisan politics even in the face of human tragedy. I'm saddened to see this country that I love so dearly become a petri dish of political bacteria, domination of the "other", fear and hate mongering...among other things.
Our God loves each and every one of us. I don't care what Robertson, Limbaugh or Olbermann says...I care what God has to say. I'm a follower of Christ and my faith is fueled on living a life that can closely imitate Christ...I strive for this daily even though I greatly fall short. Christ, my savior, your savior, would cry with the Haitians, is crying with Haitians. Let us, friends, focus not on the limited scope of some people's personal agendas, but rather on the infinite power and steadfast love of God.
I am asking God to forgive me for my anger towards others on this issue and that I might focus on the real need...the Haitians. I'm asking God to help me give and see grace in all of this. I ask that you continue to pray for the Haitians with me and to give to solid and trustworthy organizations like the Red Cross and/or your local church. These, our brothers and sisters, need our help.
I'm sorry if I have offended anyone as this was not my intent. I just can't sit by and let more people, this time the 'right', get accused baselessly in a vast and sweeping generalization of being hateful people because of an unfounded theological (if you can call it that) statement by one person.
We are called to LOVE. We are called to LOVE. We are called to LOVE.
Thank you for articulating what I've trying to get my head around. Really, is it more important to send help as quickly as possible or dwell on what these ignorant folks have to say. No matter who it is, the Word says to help widows and orphans and not to judge. That's what I plan to do.
Thank you for articulating what I've trying to get my head around. Really, is it more important to send help as quickly as possible or dwell on what these ignorant folks have to say. No matter who it is, the Word says to help widows and orphans and not to judge. That's what I plan to do.
Amen, amen. And amen.
People so easily make glib remarks don't they? They don't first ask the Lord what His thoughts are on the subject. This is the time to react with love so that those who don't know Him will be drawn to Him.
It's okay to be mad.
Praying for Haiti. And you are right, the voices of others do not represent all Christians. I'm with you in this truth.
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